Tuesday, October 6, 2009


If you know me, you know that I have a weird phobia of talking on the phone. I just won't do it unless completely necessary, and will usually find a way out of doing it on those necessary occasions too. I don't know why, I just can't do it, and to be honest I have no desire to overcome this phobia and am completely content in my fearful phone state. Fine-- so what do I do when some creep is trying to scam me with money transfer fraud and I'm supposed to call the secret service, but looking at the phone is making me sweat a little? Mom to the rescue! Oh wait, mother and father just left for a lovely trip to Egypt (I'm so totally jeal) so I really hope Mom had time to or remembered to make that ever so important phone call before they left this morn. Oh well I guess if not I will just have to lead this poor sucker into thinking I'm still trying to transfer money for him, but NO, none of his tom foolery will work on me! Also, I had a lovely time this weekend golfing, though putting is just about the only time I succeed in hitting the ball well or at all. I would much rather work on my golf game than picking up the phone, so please no calls, thank you.

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